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During all my PhD, I’ve managed to avoid dealing with the third dimension. I did some work before that on “structure from motion” for detecting trucks from traffic cameras, but that was ten years ago. Now, however, I have to get away from the confort of two-dimensional images, like the digital pathology slides I’m most familiar with, and deal with Computed Tomography, CT in short, images.
The first question when dealing with CT images is… how to “look” at them? You can use some tricks to get a 3D view of the main elements, but if you want to get the “raw” information, the most common way is to use 2D slices cutting in different directions. I have some CT images of mice, which have been injected with a contrasting agent so that the liver is more visible. Let’s take a quick look using the open source 3D Slicer software:
Since on of the goals of my research is to register ex-vivo histology images to these in-vivo CT, it would be very useful to determine a reliable frame of reference for “anatomical coordinates.” The reason that it’s useful (rather than just looking at voxel coordinates in the volume) is that with CT images, it’s very easy to reorient and/or crop the image in different ways to make it more practical to process in one way or another. A coordinate system that is independent from these transforms is quite useful.
The characteristics that I want for this system are therefore:
Have an origin point that is reasonably easy to find automatically.
Use axis that are easy to interpret (so, based on the anatomical reference)
Use physical coordinates, i.e. millimeters, rather than pixels.
Point and axis of reference
It seems obvious that the reference point, the origin of our coordinates system, will have to be related to the skeleton. The skeleton is very easy to segment, and the position of the different organs relative to the skeleton can be somewhat predictable. As far as my anatomy knowledge goes, also, it should be present and similar in all subjects…
Looking at the images, I think an interesting candidate is the junction between the most posterior ribs and the vertebral column (so the last floating rib from this diagram). In our example image, we can easily find this spot in the 3D view of the skeleton:
So how do we find it automatically?
Let’s start by segmenting the skeleton, using a simple thresholding (it’s fairly easy to find a good threshold automatically in this case, but for simplicity’s sake I’ll hardcode it here). We’ll use SimpleITK to load the volume, but most of the processing will be done with numpy and scikit-image. The useful thing about SimpleITK is that the image object includes information about the “spacing” (the physical size of the voxels).
import SimpleITK as sitkimport numpy as np%matplotlib inlinefrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt
path_to_volume =r".\volume.mha"volume = sitk.ReadImage(path_to_volume)volume_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(volume) # Convert to Numpy array for easier low-level processingskeleton = volume_np >100
In order to view this skeleton, we can “project” the volume on the three different planes:
It’s way easier to process 2D images than 3D volumes, so let’s first try to use the coronal projection to find the reference point’s left-right and anterior-posterior coordinates, and we’ll worry about the dorsal-ventral dimension later.
First, we want to find the path of the vertebral column. Since the body is mostly symmetrical in the left-right dimension, we can try to use the centroid of each row to see if it gives us something interesting:
It’s not always well centered because the vertebral column isn’t completely straight, so sometimes just taking the horizontal in this projection is not symmetrical. However, it always remain inside the column, except near the front where the front paws make it more difficult. To adjust for that, we can easily use a “connected components” rule to only keep the largest object in the image:
from skimage.measure import label, regionpropsdef select_main_object(binary_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:"""Removes any bit that is not connected to the largest object""" labels = label(binary_array) objs = regionprops(labels) max_area, max_area_idx =0, -1for obj in objs:if obj.area > max_area: max_area = obj.area max_area_idx = obj.label binary_array[labels != max_area_idx] =0return binary_arraycoronal_proj[select_main_object(coronal_proj >0) ==0] =0x = np.arange(coronal_proj.shape[1])centroids = (coronal_proj * x).sum(axis=1) / coronal_proj.sum(axis=1)plt.figure()plt.imshow(coronal_proj)plt.plot(centroids, np.arange(coronal_proj.shape[0]), 'r-')plt.xlabel('Left <-> Right')plt.ylabel('Anterior (head) <-> Posterior (tail)')plt.title('Coronal projection')
That’s better. Now, we can use a simple heuristic to determine the location on the anterior-posterior axis of the junction that interests us. Looking at the values across the “centroid” line, the local minima correspond to the junctions between the vertebrae. We can then check if there are ribs around that junction, and the first junction with ribs starting from the posterior side corresponds to the target.
from skimage.feature import peak_local_maxcenterline_x = np.round(centroids).astype('int')centerline_value = []for z, x inenumerate(centerline_x): centerline_value.append(coronal_proj[z, x])centerline_value = np.array(centerline_value)vertebrae = peak_local_max(centerline_value.max() - centerline_value, min_distance=30)[:, 0]# To find the first vertebra junction with a rib attached, we look at the variance across the left-right line# passing through the junctionvertebrae_sorted = np.sort(vertebrae)xcs = (np.array([np.arange(coronal_proj.shape[1]) for _ inrange(len(vertebrae))]).T - centroids[ vertebrae_sorted]).Tvariances = ((xcs **2) * coronal_proj[vertebrae_sorted]).sum(axis=1)z =0for idx, variance inenumerate(variances):if variance > variances.min()*5: z = vertebrae_sorted[idx]breakplt.figure()plt.imshow(coronal_proj)plt.plot(centroids, np.arange(coronal_proj.shape[0]), 'r-')plt.plot(centroids[z], z, 'wo')plt.xlabel('Left <-> Right')plt.ylabel('Anterior (head) <-> Posterior (tail)')plt.title('Coronal projection')
For the position in the left-right axis, we want to get in the center of the vertebral column, so we have to adjust the value a little bit:
We still have to find the dorsal-ventral coordinates. For that, we can go back to the segmented skeleton volume and take the region in the sagittal projection around the anterior-posterior and left-right coordinates that we found:
That looks decent enough. With that, we can therefore determine the “origin” point of our system of reference. With the spacing of the volume, we can also compute coordinates in physical spaces along the three anatomical axis:
print(volume.GetSpacing())spacing = np.array(volume.GetSpacing())origin = np.array((x, y, z)) # left-right, dorsal-ventral, anterior-posteriorcoords_px = np.array((400, 300, 150))coords_phys = (coords_px-origin)*spacingprint(f"Coordinates {coords_px}px correspond to a point that is \n{coords_phys[0]:.2f}mm right,\n{coords_phys[1]:.2f}mm ventral, and\n{coords_phys[2]:.2f}mm anterior\nfrom the origin at {origin}px, or a distance of {np.sqrt((coords_phys**2).sum()):.2f}mm")
(0.040892000000000005, 0.040892000000000005, 0.040892000000000005)
Coordinates [400 300 150]px correspond to a point that is
4.50mm right,
-7.93mm ventral, and
-4.21mm anterior
from the origin at [290 494 253]px, or a distance of 10.05mm
Consolidating all these methods into proper functions and classes, we can check that the algorithms works on different images: